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James Riley

Ruby, Javascript and Friends. Part of the Snapppt team. Living a life of learning. Join me.

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Recent Posts

Apache 2 - A dance with Slowloris

This blog post kicks off a series of ‘war stories’ that I’ll be sharing, where I’ll be covering my thought-process on tackling interesting issues - in a bid ...

My favourite Web Dev tools of 2015

One of my favourite aspects to meeting fellow developers is having a rummage through their toolbox - discovering the tools they use, the workflow they follow...

Easy toggle fade with fadeToggle()

The jQuery toggle() function is great for easily switching an element to hidden or not. Today I was working on something where I wanted to toggle with a fade...

Ruby Koans Scoring Project

Ruby Koans has sat on my todo list for almost as long as I’ve been a Ruby developer and this week I’ve finally taken it upon myself to tackle it. Expectedly,...

Settle for excellence

Today was spent away from my desk, but I was reminded of a great quote by George S. Patton, an American officer during World War 2. Now, I can’t vouch for hi...

Haml helpers Succeed and Preceed

With Haml, placing a full-stop or comma immediately after a link, for example, can be confusing. Sure, we have the whitespace removal functionaliy removal th...

Geolocation for Amazon Link Localising

This post starts a 30 days experiment. I’m not alone in starting a blog with every intention of keeping consistent, only to find weeks fly past without so mu...